What is SPORTS Across Ireland?
Sports Across Ireland (SAI) is a non-profit organization that recognizes that every child is a winner – just as they are! SAI is a community-minded organization that uses a Christian ethos to improve the mind, body and spirit of the people we serve. SAI was founded to create positive memories for children and their families as we journey through life together. SAI aims to build today’s Irish youth into tomorrow’s leaders!
What Does SPORTS Across Ireland (SAI) Do?
At SAI, our programmes are purposefully designed to build faith, character and self-esteem into the children we work with. Our intention is to combat the anti-social behaviour of bullying, addiction, crime and self-harm by teaching youth to respect themselves, others and the community. Our staff and volunteers engage with children between the ages of six and seventeen through safe, fun and high-energy programmes.
At SAI we teach basketball in primary schools, we run Upward basketball Leagues, 3 annual Sports Camps, as well as Arts and Crafts camps. We recognise children who display exceptional character or improvement with incentives, such as player of the day, week and month. We believe reinforcing positive behaviour on a long-term basis will lead to greater personal growth. Our activities are designed to help children from across all Ballymun communities tear down barriers and racism and help them build lifelong friendships.