Every Home for Christ has arrived in Ireland!
The start of 2022 began the formation of a new and exciting ministry that would seek to serve Christian churches and organisations to reach the people in Ireland with the hope of Jesus.
Locally known as: Hope for Every Home Ireland, we are honoured to be a ministry of Every Home for Christ.
“Hope for Every Home – Ireland focuses on using everyday ways to support people and churches to share the truth and love of Jesus with neighbours, friends and communities”.
That every person on the island of Ireland would have a genuine opportunity to respond to the truth and love of Jesus
To serve local churches and Christian organisations by equipping and mobilising believers to participate in sharing the hope of Jesus with every person and every home in Ireland.
Our ministry longs to see revival in Ireland. We believe that we cannot be passive about sharing the gospel and we make it our promise to do all that we can to see Ireland won for Jesus. However, we realise that we cannot do this on our own and it is our desire to partner with local churches and Christian organisations to share the good news of Jesus with every home…to the last home.
This is our greatest opportunity and our greatest challenge. But we hold tight to a promise:
In Matthew 24:14, Jesus says, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
If you would like to know more about Hope for Every Home Ireland – please have a look at our website: Hope for every home – Ireland (hopeforeveryhomeireland.org)
Will you partner with us? Will we together make a greater impact on Gods kingdom, than we would apart? If you would like to join with us as we try to share the hope of Jesus with the people of our island, please do not hesitate to contact us on Ireland@hopeforeveryhome.org