Our core aim is to deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a culturally relevant way. We understand that how we evangelise reflects directly on Kingdom growth. We are a passionate people who communicate the truth of God’s word across Ireland. That is where our work ends and God’s work begins; the gift of salvation belongs entirely to Him.
We seek to do our part in God’s work by connecting local community and local church together. We do this in a variety of different ways.
Through connection with local churches we seek to distribute Christian literature through street outreach, chatting over a hot drink, family fun days, praise evenings, gospel missions, children’s events, country fairs or shows. These are a few of the ways we present the message of Jesus Christ to local community.
Our tag line is ‘on a mission to deliver’ the truth of John 14:6, that through believing and following Jesus Christ, we can have complete assurance of eternal live in God’s everlasting kingdom.
The FM truck is versatile, allowing us to be creative in how we communicate the word of God throughout Ireland. As we do so we long for and pray for revival to sweep this precious land again!
If you have an idea and passion for evangelism in your area we want to hear from you!