Exodus 2022/2023 Internship applications are now open!

Exodus Internships can be full-time or occasionally part-time and are a great way to develop gifts, learn ministry skills and understand disciple making to make a difference locally and globally.  

The programme starts with a 2 day residential on 25th & 26th August in Coleraine Exodus Residential Centre. You will then serve in a specific ministry role alongside a staff line manager and within one of our centres or departments.

Through this you will receive:

  • A variety of leadership, service and youth ministry opportunities including being part of an Exodus team.
  • Support from a trained and experienced mentor.
  • Development days with interns and parachurch staff from across Ireland.
  • A chance to participate in our Intern Spring Adventure where you will lead a service project in Romania with the other Exodus Interns.
  • Interns Together Conference Days (3 during year).
  • I.C.E. (Exodus intern training days)
  • Church placement (2-3 hours per week) in a local fellowship.

To find out more about the various opportunities we have available across all 6 regions click here: https://www.exodusonline.org.uk/internships



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Generations: Celebrating 25 Years of Disciple Malking Youth Ministry

Exodus is turning 25 and we want you to join us as we celebrate! Make sure you register for tickets using the link below.

GENERATIONS: Celebrating 25 Years of Disciple Making Youth Ministry

⏰ 7.00pm – 9:00pm
🗓️ Saturday 26th March
📍 Portstewart Baptist Church
🎟 Sign up: https://bit.ly/exodus25years

This event will be full of fun, stories, celebration, worship and an opportunity to hear the vision of Exodus for the years ahead.

We’d love to see you there!

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Standing with our Ukrainian Partners


Join us as we stand with our partners in Ukraine and Eastern Europe as they serve those most impacted by the crisis.

Exodus has staff in both Hungary and Romania, and partners across Latvia, Slovakia, Poland, Moldova and Ukraine.

As the crisis unfolds, we think of our friends and partners in the region and are seeking to raise £10’000 towards key resources that will support our partners reaching those most impacted by the crisis.

Joseph, a pastor in Ukraine working with his youth group to support abandoned children who are living in a hospital with food, blankets, nappies and toys.

Sandor & Timi, a husband and wife team who are leading their church to provide food and accommodation for pastors and other believers fleeing the conflict.

Alin, our staff member who is providing basic supplies for those migrants crossing into Romania.

Please stand with us and support our Ukrainian partners

You can give directly via this link https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/standwithukriane

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Celebrating 2021

As we enter into 2022 with energy and expectation we have been reflecting and celebrating the goodness of God in 2021.

  • BELFAST FINDS A NEW HOME in St Andrews Presbyterian Church with office space and a meeting room ready to pilot programmes in the local area.
  • SOAR HAS TAKEN OFF in 8 schools delivering a leadership programme to over 1600 pupils.
  • TRANSFORMING FREEDOM into a new refreshing space ready to welcome young people, leaders and organisations in the new year in Coleraine.
  • RESIDENTIALS ARE BACK WITH A BANG with our new and improved kitchen and meeting areas.
  • BREAKFAST CLUB connecting with local school pupils on their daily commute to school in Lisburn and treating them to some homemade pancakes.
  • BIBLE READING IN RAPHOE with 590 young people through literature delivered by our staff team.
  • HUNGER FOR TEAMS as we see 80 teams with 150 leaders across UK/IRE and Central and Eastern Europe open for applications for this summer!
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We are so thankful. What an amazing school, what great staff and what a wonderful opportunity to read the Bible with all 565 pupils in small groups throughout this week!

We read Mark Ch1 together launching them into reading the rest of the book throughout the coming weeks!

Thanks to everyone who was involved, from printing the resourse to volunteering.

What a week it’s been!!! 
What an absolute joy!

We start our first church groups through our Bible Reading Together programme this weekend. With a GB in Donegal and a youth group in Derry! 

This wonderful programme is open for any school across the North West from Limavady to Derry and Strabane, and across Donegal. We can come and do Bible Reading Together with RE classes helping pupils discover the Bible for themselves. 

If you’re interested get in touch with Andrew andrew@exodusonline.org.uk 
Also available for church youth groups!

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From the 18th –  22nd of October we will be in The Royal and Prior Comprehensive School in Raphoe  reading  the Bible in small groups with all 565 pupils.

We had this opportunity in 2019 and it was a real success so we are thrilled to be back again.

In partnership with The Royal’s wonderful chaplain, Mrs Chambers, we will have a team of volunteers in helping every pupil engage with the Bible for themselves.

We have designed a specific resource that helps young people read the Bible for the first time. It takes them through the Book of Mark in a fun, interactive way.

During the class, we are doing an introduction of how to read the Bible and then reading Mark Ch 1 together in small groups . At the end of each class, they will each leave with a gospel of Mark and the Bible Reading Together resources so they can continue to read the rest of the book with their friends, family or on their own.

Please pray for our team in the North West as they deliver this incredible resource!

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Disciples – Seek To Serve

DISCIPLES is an authentic opportunity for Christians aged 15-25 to grow in faith as they seek and serve Jesus with others in their local area.

Young people will take part in:

Monthly gatherings in our centres or online where they will SEEK Jesus together, celebrate what God is doing and equip themselves for the journey ahead.

Volunteering and Ministry Opportunities allowing them to SERVE Jesus together with their friends and have the opportunity to join with the work God is doing in their local area.

Mentoring, encouraging them to meet with an older Christian to journey alongside them as they grow using the WALK WITH ME programme.

This programme will be running across all 6 regions of Exodus and so far we have had a total of 167 young people signed up to take part during the next 8 months.

Please pray for our team as we deliver this programme and the young people that we will have the privilege of walking with throughout the months ahead.

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Exodus Finds A Place To Call Home In Belfast

In September 2021 the Exodus Belfast team moved into new premises in the Rosetta area of Belfast. This has been a dream of ours for quite some time as we prayed for “a place to call home” to enable us to disciple more young people and support local churches in Belfast.

A year full of fun, adventure, depth and friendship lies ahead. A packed programme including hang out nights, small groups, mentoring, worship gatherings and opportunities to serve has been planned throughout the year for young people. Another highlight of the year includes joining one of our mission teams, which start meeting in February for weekly discipleship and preparation for a summer placement in July or August.

We’re excited to support local churches and youth organisations in their ministry through training, events and a prayer time at Exodus Belfast on the first Tuesday morning of the month.

The work is led by staff member Jo McCormick, along with associates Lauren Fox, Jordan Haffey and Harry McCrossan. Our new location includes office space, a meeting space for small groups and access to a sports hall and kitchen for larger groups and hospitality. We are so thankful to St Andrews Presbyterian church for their partnership.

We give thanks to God for his provision and goodness to us, for the Exodus Belfast team and volunteer leaders, local churches and youth organisations and the group of young people we have already begun to journey with. Please pray for favour as we reach out to young people in the community and in local schools.

To find out more, please contact Jo McCormick:
jo@exodusonline.org.uk    www.exodusonline.org.uk   

Join us to pray:
Tuesday mornings 9.30-10.30am at Exodus Belfast 
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Rosetta Road, Belfast, BT6 0LT.

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SOAR Takes Off In Local Schools

SOAR is a six week leadership course designed to inspire and equip pupils (YR 11+) to lead themselves well. 

At Exodus we have seen that when young people lead themselves well they increasingly unlock their potential, maximise their gifting and contribute to society. With this in mind, we have developed the SOAR programme to equip students with the knowledge and skills to lead themselves well in order that they might shape their own development and lead well within their school, community and in time their chosen career path. 

SOAR is a 6 session journey anchored in 3 core values: integrity, courage and compassion. Each session is delivered by one of our staff and volunteers in fun and creative ways that invite interaction so that pupils are engaged and learning is enjoyable.

Engaging workshop style sessions of 35-55 mins designed around The Learning for Life and Work syllabus covering the following topics: 
○ Identifying Personal Core Values 
○ Growing in Self-Awareness 
○ Developing Skills in Goal Setting 
○ Putting Others First 
○ Prioritising Self-Care 
○ Shaping a Personal Vision

SOAR has already been delivered in 4 schools to 461 pupils, we hope to deliver this exciting new programme to 18 schools in total in the next year across Northern Ireland.

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